Sharing Tutorials

Joining Create team

I was asked to join the committee. I’m really looking forward to helping this team. Sharing tutorials is one way I will be sharing.

Ironing Board

Sketch of my ironing board

For 2022 we are celebrating NAME’s 50th anniversary all year. For January the committee was asked to share an old tutorial, which I did. It can be found here.

Back in the early 1990’s I became involved with a local club. It was this club that turned me on to the idea of something besides a dollhouse. The first meeting they showed a porch vignette they were making. They were not a NAME club although some were NAME members. The club members definitely followed NAME’s motto about sharing. So in that spirit I began sharing as well.

I made a laundry room vignette using a laundry detergent box and in the box is an ironing board I made. I was into DIY and my club members encouraged me to share so I wrote the instructions.

made in an ultra detergent box

Scanning these instructions makes me nostalgic and certainly helps me to keep them. Plus I am able to make them available to others. I have scanned others and will be sharing them soon.

Comments are welcome.

Happy miniaturing!
