Welcome MiniBunny

MiniBunny, my avatar

You’ve seen her a few times on this website and if you were a part of the recent 2022 OLHP Splintered Fairytales, she was my virtual character (avatar) as the OLHP communications chair.

MiniBunny with wings
MiniBunny as a miniature fairy for the 2022 OLHP

Yes, MiniBunny is a Bunny and she is a miniature. I purchased her from her maker a number of years ago. She was made by Maureen Thomas who I used to see at shows. I see some of her dolls on ebay occasionally. MiniBunny is 2 1/2 inches tall and considered 1:24 scale or half inch scale. In real life she would equal a 5 foot tall person.

What will she do on my website

Well, frankly, anything I can think of. I honestly just have so much fun staging and taking photos.

How MiniBunny Became an Internet Influencer

Back in 2019, I was the Gold Star chair for NAME‘s second OLHP and I had agreed to do the newsletter. I started using Mail Chimp to create the newsletter and it allows to add photo blocks or text blocks. I really can’t remember now how I decided MiniBunny was going to be what she was. I can remember thinking who better to illustrate that we would be online in virtual activities than having a miniature demonstrate things to do or see.

Introducing MiniBunny for the 2019 OLHP

I have all the emails she sent out saved. I won’t take away from the experience of that particular event by posting all the photos but I will share some to illustrate how she began her internet career.

Here some of her 2019 thoughts for the OLHP. The theme was Around the World in Eight Days.

“I’m sure our trip in a balloon or other conveyance will not be so perilous as this looks. I am sure we will all be safe and sound wherever we go.” MB

During the lead up to the OLHP, I went on a business trip. I took several photos. I’m sure my seat mate thought I was crazy. But it was so much fun to think of an idea and then get that photo. Doing these was like the Flat Stanley idea.

“Just checked and our flights, trains, buses, boats, vans, limousines, carts, horses, elephants, ferries, and balloons are all scheduled on time. Guess I’ll take another nap until time to depart….” MB

Then other times it was something in the newsletter that inspired the photo.

MiniBunny with her own passport
With her passport for Opening Day
MiniBunny made a new friend during the meals.

Here is one of my favorites. By favorite I mean they made me laugh while I’m getting the picture and writing the blip.

First HP Pin
Selfie at the 2019 OLHP

I won

Houseparty Helper (raffle) win after the OLHP was over.

swaps I won during OLHP 2019
Most of the 1:48 scale swaps as part of a HPH win. MiniBunny and friends helped show them.

2022 OLHP Role

For NAME’s 2022 OLHP, I repeated my role for sending the newsletters and even did some promotion beforehand on FB and in the online miniatures groups. This time I claimed the title of ‘Communications Chair’. Being online meant roles were different than an in-person one.

Here are some highlights from the 2022 OLHP newsletters.

Promoting the OLHP

Like in 2019, MiniBunny’s friends helped with various activities, Miss Kitty joined us as a First-timer asking many questions.

I really like the aspect of an online houseparty – from anywhere. Just like reading this website, you only need an internet connection.

At beach thinking about the OLHP
“On the way to Grandma’s I encountered a dragon. Thanks to my magic red scarf, I was able to hitch a ride. Stay safe in your travels.” MB
MiniBunny as Alice in Wonderland with her very own Drink Me bottle

One aspect of OLHP is to receive THE BOX – of souvenirs and committee gifts. Often people talk about having to wait to open THE BOX, so MiniBunny was busy entertaining mine.

MiniBunny tried Penguin Bowling but dropped the ball on her toe.
“Nothing like fresh laundry hung outdoors. The dew refreshes the fairy magic.” MB
Last Day Selfie with RaggedyAnn and MissKitty

There you have it. MiniBunny is joining me at mini-smallpackages.com and we hope you enjoy seeing more of her.

If you are curious about anything about MiniBunny, she might answer your questions – posted as a comment – in a future post.

Happy Miniaturing!
