For building my third GB building from True2scale, I really wanted to plan the lighting without too much trouble.
This time I started thinking about the lights first. After coloring the GB boards, I looked for the basic pieces and separated from the motherboard. This was front, ceiling, floor and two sides. I dry-fitted to decide where my wire groove would go and which side. Looking from the open back I wanted to go behind the trim and across to the tree lot arch. Using the provided pictures I determined that I could run the groove using the left side wall. (left side of the open back.) This would be for the inside light. This groove would be along the opening edge. I will also have the wire groove for the ceiling go underneath the ceiling because there is a ceiling paper.
Secondly, I wanted to have a light over the tree lot. My idea is that it will hang over the lot. With that in mind I decided to untwist the wires and will add a tiny paper cover over the light. To protect the led once the wire is untwisted, I wrap the wire around the led so they won’t be pulling against the led connection. This single wire would be run from the arch over to the roof and then down behind the trim. At least that is my plan.
I cut the inside light groove into the wall. I also cut the groove in the underside of the ceiling. I’m still thinking about how best to go about with the tree lot light.

The markings on the underside of the ceiling helps me orient to my plan. I start cutting.

To do this process, I use my craft knife to cut along my groove. Then I remove the layers of cardboard. If any gets stuck, I cut again along that line.

The groove on the outside like this has to be along an edge the white trim goes. The white trim will cover the groove of I make it narrow like this. These wires need a narrow groove anyway.
To allow the wire to get to the ceiling, I added this notch. It was to keep the tab intact.

I’m not sure why, but at this point I decided I had put the outside groove on the wrong side wall (probably I was distracted by chatting in zoom.) So I cut a new groove in the other wall. I decide that I can use this mistake for the tree lot wire. It should hide well under the wallpaper.

In hindsight I could have labeled the walls and it might have stopped this.

I dry fit the building again to see where my wires go. I have bent the tab at the corner but it’s still hanging on. I was afraid that would happen.
Time to get the wallpaper in before gluing on the ceiling. In my previous two GB building posts I coverabout working with the ceiling paper and the lighting.

After wallpaper is added, I insert the single wire of the tree lot light. I leave it loose because I am thinking of getting the light in the right place later.
I started thinking about the light color. I want warm, not bright. So I do both lights in my yellow acrylic paint. Yes, I am happy with the color produced when lit. I’m still using the cool white leds I have available.

I think the key is to cover the whole light not just the front.
Time to add the roof
Gluing in the ceiling, I broke off that skinny outer tab on the left wall (where I had the light running down the outside and I wanted to save). It’s purpose is to align the roof pieces. I use the other side to start and it was fine. I glued the triangle first and then the roof to the right side. I watch that the roof tabs are aligned with the top point of the triangle and front.

The second light wire is running between the roof and wall.
Oh no…

In the process of adding the white trim, I broke the wire of the extra light. At this point I decided to think about it later.
I also had figured out that I had switched the left and right walls after all. Back when I thought I had cut the first groove in the left wall wrong, I was actually correct. I figured it out because of the tree lot. I had in my head that the window went to that side. Hence my confusion on cutting the wrong wall initially.
Regarding the wire that broke, I realized that I couldn’t finish the tree lot because I needed to wait until I place it on the village street. I did go ahead and glue the tree lot arches to the building.

I added extra white trim to hide wires along the back edge. This extra trim came from the remaining motherboard.
My tree lot ended up on the right side because I had switched the walls. In the end I went with the solid wall being where the tree lot will be.
Adding window shades and the tree lot arches
While adding white trim, I didn’t pay attention to the instructions on adding the window shades and the name for the tree lot.
For the shades, it wasn’t too bad because I was able to trim until they fit.
For the tree lot, I applied the white trim then realized I had forgotten to add the sign. Fortunately the white trim wasn’t adhered well and I was able to gently pull away enough to insert the signage. I used my craft knife to help and trimmed the edges until it fit.

The first interior item I worked on was the bins. I assembled these all at once. However I didn’t remove pieces until they were needed. My first mistake to glue the bin part flat. I figured it out when I added the signs and comparing it to the pictures. Here is the difference.

It was an easy fix because I don’t use much glue. Also the spot I had glued and it did tear, it was well hidden after adding the pieces in place correctly.
Here are the others

Always be sure to apply the marker to the edges. It does make them look so much better.
Bowls of ornaments
I had trouble with the bowls on my previous building, the cafe, so I made sure to use the wax paper for punching out bowls. However my punch is worn out and even that didn’t keep it from causing the punched piece to stay attached. I did use my scissors for trimming. Then after using a ball stylus round up the edges to make several bowls, I decided to explore my stash for metal bowls instead.

These metal bowls are nail studs and come in several sizes and shapes. I prefer the larger for the bead ornaments.
Decorated Tree
Next up was my first tree with these kits. I have not been making the ones that go outside because I wasn’t even sure if I want use the provided parts or not. I plan to make that decision later. However for this interior tree I went ahead and used the chenille stems.
The instructions for the kit say after shaping the stem to apply glue all over and roll into the beads. In the interest of simplicity, I tried it. But I didn’t like it. I think it was the size of the red ones.
I had on my table a leftover string that unravels. I decided to try using it for ribbon/garland. I wrapped it around a toothpick. The part I used is metal so that worked nicely.

Then I worked it around the tree to see if I liked it and started gluing ornaments one by one.

I have a box of mixed color caviar beads so I used some of those. It is nice to not have to sort through so many colors though. I really appreciate that the kit provides only Christmas colors.
To make it somewhat easier to apply these, I made a tool using two toothpicks. I taped them together at one end so they were in a V shape. Then I put a dab of glue on my finger nail. I’ve been using thin white glue most of the time for these buildings. I have some mini hold and I dipped one toothpick in the mini hold, pick up a bead, then get a tiny bit of glue with the other. Apply glue to spot on tree and place bead. This process was the fastest and avoided glue drying on the tree while I find a bead. That’s even if I could find where I had put the glue anyway.
The glue did dry on my fingernail after placing several beads, but I just wiped it away and applied more. Another reason I do it this way is that I wear strong magnification which shortens the visible distance. So having glue on my fingernail helped.
I do recommend to have an additional tray or box for the beads to separate. Otherwise too many together makes it hard to find the one desired and more likely to get too many.

To fill the bowls, I found it quicker to have the bowl on the end of a bottle. I used blue tape sticky side up that I had taped down to hold on place. I apply glue on the bowl using my fine top bottle, add some beads, then a little more glue to add more beads.
I kept the tree attached to the stem until I was satisfied with the arrangement then cut it off and glued to center of my tree skirt/ rug. The bowls were added around like the instructions suggest.
To finish up the furniture I used the longer bowl bead/stud on one table and some stars on the other.

Well as finished as I will be until added to the village.

I have this tendency to want to see things I make together especially when they are going to be together. So I put these on a piece of cardboard so I can light them together. I will probably help me decide how many lights I want to run together.

Next one coming soon.
Happy miniaturing!
Comments are welcome.
So nice!
Very Nice! I’ve ordered these, so when they come, I will definitely study your writeups for extra hints. Thanks.