RA House 2010 Andy says, “Hi, Welcome to our new house. We are so glad you dropped by. This house was built from a kit by Karen Cary. It was part of a swap.” Raggedy Ann says, “We really like the heart shutters and the lace on the window boxes. We also like the red trim and our two color roof.” Raggedy Ann says, “This is the first floor and it is just right. I love the wallpaper and this blue rag rug Preble printed for us on her computer. The ceiling fan, made by Joyce Welch, will help keep us cool in summer.” Raggedy Ann says, “On the left of this room we have this club chair and two lamps made by JoAnn Jacot. Laura Miller made the couch and our side table with drawers. The shelves were made by Linda Groesch. coffee tables by Liz Smith Ann chair by Pat Williams. hutch by Bobby Bain. plant by Preble, tray of cookies being made by Linda Groesch. This table and chair set was made by Jan Stockwell. The cake was made by Laura Miller. shelf by pooh Raggedy Andy says, “This is the top floor and we have our bedroom. These beds were made by Preble for the RA swap. This rug and wallpaper were printed by her as well.” Raggedy Andy says, “Ann said I had to point out the doll on her bed. It was made by Pooh. Wonderful likeness of Ann, we think.” Raggedy Andy says, “Here on the left is a lamp made by Dot Hogan. Next to is a clock made by Joann Jacot. Both these are sitting on a chest made by Preble for the swaps.” “Here in the middle is our wardrobe made by Liz Smith. On the bed is a wonderful picture book of ABC’s by Pooh. In the shelf made by Bobby Bain is a picture by JoAnn Jacot and a rocking horse toy by Debra T Jones. The blocks came from Alice Anton.” In 2015, I updated the project by adding a base and container. the flowers in the striped vase was a new addition, found in my swaps The pond was made by Wanna Newman. Added a new base so I could use some swaps The RA face flowers were made by Pam Junk. The flower beds are edged with paper cut with scalloped scissors and then using a 1/16th inch punch Happy miniaturing! Preble Facebook Instagram Etsy