Sugar and spice and everything nice, that’s what little girls are made of. My inner girl loves girly things, like pastels, butterflies, rabbits and dollhouses. I also particularly love whimsical things.
This is one of those projects that I fell in love with and I just had to get them
I fell in love with this kit offering by Robin Betterley. I was so happy to find in 1:48 scale.
The wallpaper needed something extra and the kits had the name on them all pretty as you please, so I cut them and used them across the top.Dresser is a kit by Karen Benson that I added the sequin mirror and used leftovers from the other kits to decorate it. The wardrobe was part of the Betterley’s Flutterbye collection.the bench and pull toy were Betterley kits, the rabbit is resinAs a child, I had a table in my room. This one is so whimsical from every aspect – the colors, the prints and the shapes.the dollhouse, shelf, push toy and the bed all from the Flutterbye collection The bed was fun to dress using all the pastel checks I have collectedI love this little dollhouse and it was hard to decide which way to include it as it looks good from the back