In order to furnish the interior I wanted to finish the exterior. This will be a messy process is why I wanted to do this next.

This section needed to match, so I started here first.

Wires are run behind any trim and I glue them down in the corner.
For the block below the window, I trimmed a corner to allow the wires to run without causing any gaps.

I decided to order a piano hinge to make the house open and close. The provided ones were more like locks. Since I would be opening and closing when I open the case, I figured it was better to able to swing it.
Before I did the stucco, I added the hinge to the house and left space for it. But then later decided to cover it.


This wood filler was fun to work with.
- Use Elmer’s per the supply list
- Add water if an area dries too much by either spritzing with spray bottle or dipping knife in water and spreading.
- Bits that come up as drawing lines can be left alone and knocked off later or if left too long wet them again.
- It can be sanded and also it fills gaps well and is molded easily.

I continued covering the exterior with the wood filler. I made a mistake that I decided to fix. The mistake was having too much filler in the above section (the back). I used water to wet the filler and scrape it out. I cleaned it up and tried again. Because of this, I ran out of the wood filler. I went in search of more locally and couldn’t find it. I purchased a different brand and I do not recommend it. It was plastic like. So I ordered more of the Elmer’s and continued.

The portico had the stucco inside and out. Me being me, I had to add it so it wasn’t too thick and also covered all the areas. This was hard to do with just the pallet knives and my fingers. I pulled out this dental tool which worked really well. I used a piece of metal that comes off my contact containers. I save them to use for paint and such as this. Having the wood filler handy as I worked but in a small amount kept it from drying out.

I used this same technique in the ceiling of the portico to fill the gap around the led light I added here.
Happy miniaturing!