How I did the sections in my Mother Goose Challenge project – Here’s #14-19
14 Piggies
The main piggies are on the page of the inside of the book. Figured there was no point to waste the cover. The white piggy is a one that a friend gave me.
I always loved the wee piggy. I never thought of him as crying. His pinwheel is a pin and paper that I painted and it really moves although can’t blow it – too tight on the pin. I looked for a template online to see how to cut it.

15 London Bridge is falling Down
I needed something to fill the space and this rhyme was one of my favorite as a child.

16 Three Men in a Tub
I have collected various people figures over the years. My father is an O gauge enthusiast and he gave me a bunch of train people in different poses and shapes. I selected 3 figures to make the three men. These figures were covered in bad paint jobs that needed to be redone. I had the bright idea to soak them in polish remover – straight acetone. Well the paint came off but the plastic was melting as well. I threw those out. Thankfully I have a whole bunch of these so I was ok to toss these and not try to recover them.
Moving to another tact I looked at the wire dolls I have made. I have a number of bodies made but need to be dressed. Well those seemed too much work – so I put that all aside.
Then I decided to have a garage sale and found some Christmas items. This box included a bunch of nativity set people. I had seen these used to make people. I selected three I felt would be suitable and I started modifying them with my dremel tool. here is the process:

Part of the fun in doing this project was to research ideas for what this might look like but also I used a site that told how the rhyme came about. It seems this one was about three maids in a tub at a sideshow/fair and the three men jumped in with them. That’s a lot of people in a tub (bathtub or otherwise) so I stuck with the three men.
17 Row, row, your boat
I made the rowboat by cutting a shape and sides from paper printed to look like wood. To go around the shape I folded a lip and cut a bunch of tabs – gluing them individually – overlapping if needed. The gunnel is a piece of bunka.
The guy is a kneeling nativity figure (same one I used for the butcher). I cut the bent leg off and added it back in a different position.
The oars are straight pins that I cut the head off and then added shaped thin card for the blades.

18 The Pie Man
One of the swaps I received was the pie man’s tray from Kim Wood. I decided to use a resin bunny for the man. Using my dremel tool, I had to cut away a shovel and shape the belly to allow the tray to hang properly. Then a re-paint.

19 Rock-a-bye Baby
The baby and cradle was made by Jyl Adams
The tree is made of wires twisted together and adding some texture over the wires. Previously I have tried making tree trunks using paper machie, layers of paint and spackle. This time I used gel medium. This worked very well for this purpose. Then layers of paint to give color. This time the layers weren’t to add depth. I do a lot of dry brushing when adding paint like this. Although this was more just adding several colors dabbing and brushing about all over, but not full coverage coats.