This is Peg’s Egg House.
Let’s take a tour. We start at the front door.

Heward is Egward’s twin brother. Hegward and Suzette were over for the afternoon.

Ms Violet stopped by to bring a basket of her famous violets. Peg wasn’t home, but her son Rowland was there to greet her.
On the top floor Peggy Sue, Peg’s oldest, is playing with her youngest cousin Sugar.

Peg loved her new kitchen. It was decorated in her favorite style – shabby chic.

The lowest level was Egward’s. He called it his lab as he still dabbled in eggperiments.

Peg liked his lab because it corralled all his supplies and junk away from her part of the house.
As much as Egward loved his lab, he really enjoyed the tunnel eggit. It made it eggtra easy for special deliveries.

Jack is here for help with the eggponentialer for The Mushroom that wasn’t working right. Jack needs Egward’s help because Egward designed it.

Outside we can find Peg and her neighbor Bucky.

Peg had wanted a spiral staircase, but as eggstravgant as the rest of the house was, she had to settle for ladders instead.

Suzette, Evan and William hanging out under the deck.

Read the saga on getting Peg’s egg house made
How this project started – part 1 the planning and dealing with the hand cut deck