At my parents house one day, I spied this gallon tin. I said I wanted it when they it was empty. Alas that tin was spoken for as my then sister-in-law collected tins and they already promised to her. It wasn’t long though and I did receive an empty tin.
The first thing I did was to cut it open. I used a Dremel tool with a cut off wheel to carefully cut the opening. I use paper tape to mark where to cut and also to protect the finish.
The inside I painted to match the outside. I wanted to create a very simple scene of a man gathering sap. I told one of my club friends, “I need a man.” She helped me get a man doll for me to dress and wig.
The trees are real tree branches that I inserted into Styrofoam I used as my base. The can fit into this base.
For snow I used lightweight spackle. Years later due to dust and exposure to smoke it turned yellow. I did wash the spackle and then painted over it with white. Later I added a piece of thin flexible plastic to fit into the tin to keep hands out of the tin.
Happy miniaturing!