How these were made
I found these two egg baskets at my local thrift store. I knew that I wanted to put something miniature in them.
I started by filling the basket to bring the level up to just below the edge. To do this I used both builder’s foam and foam core board. This was just from scraps I had saved.

I added glue and remembered to take a photo real quick. Notice the shaped pink foam and then just pieces for filler.

To cut the shape of the pink foam, I started with just the width that would fit into the basket and rest on top of the basket base.
Then I used my craft knife to cut the oval shape and carve away so it would fit down into the basket.
There are some gaps but I believe I can cover those with the landscaping.
Landscaping Yellow Basket
For the landscaping, I used two different types of product. The yellow basket I added a piece of grass paper. It was easy to cut and fit into place. I did however cut awat too much in spots so I added strips from the same paper to fill back in those areas. I was really careful to cut strip that had the ‘grass’ but wasn’t too wide. I didn’t need to do much fiddling with the ‘grass’ but did so to help blend.
Also for the yellow basket, I cut off some larger flowers and wrapped the stems together with tissue paper. I then painted the tissue paper to cover.
Yellow Basket Banner
The kitties were ready to go but I wanted to add the banners. I looked online for images of banners. Once I found one I liked, I added it to Word and resized. I printed two so I had a choice. I had measured the distance between arms so I used that as a guide on sizing.

Here I have started to cut the one I will be using. I was really careful to not cut to the all the way through the banner so it would be easier to handle. I only cut too far in one spot.

After it both sections were all cut out, I added thread to the back so it would be hanging from their paws.
Pink Basket Landscaping
For the pink basket landscaping, I used brown ballast for the path. The green ‘grass’ is foam. Then I added different foam for the shrubs. All of these are likely found via a train store or similar resource besides a miniature shop.
There were a couple of spots that I had to add the landscape product a second time due to gap against the egg. However, this was an easier fix than the fiddling with the grass cloth fix.
The bunnies were then glued in place. Once dry I glued the umbrella (from a swap) to the smaller girl bunny using super glue. These bunnies were purchased from a former etsy seller in Australia.
Spring is always happening at my house.

Happy miniaturing!